
Hidden Gems of ClassDojo — The SUPER-Dojo!

Julian Wood


This is the first in a series of blog posts highlighting some of the hidden gems of ClassDojo that you may not have heard of.

Sometimes the brilliant behaviour that your students exhibit deserves something more than the 1-point-ping from ClassDojo. Sometimes the student is so good, you end up pressing that reward button several times. Sometimes you want to make a behaviour just a little bit more special and sometimes a 1 point reward just isn’t enough.

Have no fear, the SUPER-Dojo is here!

Watch the students’ faces light up when they achieve a SUPER-Dojo! Watch them cheer, watch their classmates try their best to achieve a SUPER-Dojo and smile when the learning behaviour in class becomes exemplary.

So, what is a SUPER-Dojo? A SUPER-Dojo is a behaviour that is worth more than the standard 1 point when you select your student to receive it. It’s a little known ClassDojo customization and a hidden gem!

Here’s how you do it…

Log in to ClassDojo and select your class. Then press ‘Edit Class’ in the top right hand corner.

Click ‘Behaviours’ and hover over a behaviour you want to change into a SUPER-Dojo. It will say ‘Click to edit’.

Then tick the ‘Weight this behaviours points bubbles (optional) and select from 1-5 the number you want to turn this into a SUPER-Dojo.

When you next want to reward a student with a Dojo point, the SUPER-Dojo behaviours will be obvious because just above the icon will be the text +2 to +5, depending on the number you selected in the edit screen. This is also great for showing students which behaviours are worth SUPER-Dojos.

A really simple way to give an extra special award that is worth more than the usual one-point-dojo.

Thanks goes to my colleague Jamie Dean who invented the Super-Dojo to reward his class and has seen the super behaviour get super rewarded! !🙂

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